Sunday, April 25, 2010

You Wash, and I'll Dry

As a break from studying I got on my favorite video site. This combines all my loves in life..quotes that remind me of Heather (she washes..I dry)..people who drive Mini Coopers..photographers..talking in real life like a blog/Nicholas Sparks book..golden retrievers..and fantastically clear HD videos to kill time.

"I see love because I have known love. I have been love. Quietly and fearlessly and without question. In the moments when it was most uncertain. In the times when it was undeserved. I believe in love. With my whole heart I believe in love because I was first loved and have loved in return." --> That quote totally made me think of Heather/Jesus. Weird comparison, I know, but definitely true. I LOVE YOU HEATHER :)

a photographer promo // meet justin + mary from stillmotion on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


(H) Today was a red letter day. Why, you might ask. Hailey and I had the same day off! We celebrated by packing up and heading to the lake for the day. Other than a near run in with a killer bee, we had a blast :) Next time though, Joy will be joining us!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stranded at Sea

Saturday the Kimster and the fab 5 set off to Cedar Key to go jet skiing. This is probably our 6th time out there, and we love it! Unfortunately, we forgot the battery problems we had over spring break. Mom volunteered to make the drive to Chiefland, because the battery we needed was sold out in Gainesville. Go figure. The rest of us went straight there to get things ready. Upon arrival, my Dad went to work..and Mellie called Davie. Little did we know what disastrous consequences that would have.
Phil & Kim & I went out first. We figured it wouldn't be more then half an hour or so before everyone else joined us. We saw dolphins on the way out, and each enjoyed a turn driving. After an hour or so, we decided it would be fun to set up camp at our usual island. Wrong. Mellie forgot to put an anchor in the ski.
Aka. We were stranded and my camera was all we had to entertain ourselves.
Irony at its finest: our jet skii was filling with water. Which meant Kim jumping around flipped us over. As we were going down, Phil and I jumped ship..while Kim stayed nice and dry. We were so thrilled. Haha :)
Everyone finally made it to the island for lunch. My bestest love and I had to document the moment <3

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Great Turtle Release

(H) Yesterday, Phil & Kim & I took a trip to Hogtown Creek. Sadly, we were releasing my turtle into the great beyond. Mainly because Petey's bowl made my bathroom smell family now says Petey paid a visit to their bathroom if it smells. Hahaha.

So we loaded up the Solo cup and hit the road.

On the way there we passed a naked runner. Mind you it was overcast and breezy yesterday.

After a long hike, we made it to Petey's new digs. Luckily, there was a turtle already there. Hopefully they will become fast friends.

Kim snapped a picture of me and the little guy before we hit the road. I'm going to miss stinky little biz :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Even the Easter Bunny Shops at Coach


We rang in the Easter season by David and I making cupcakes with my mom. Heather wants to state she was at work, but we all know she doesn't really do anything ;)

After church Sunday morning, we picked up Nana and enjoyed Easter lunch as a family.

A tradition that will never get old - egg hunts!!!

Our mom started a new tradition this year - water hunt. This was a very cold experience as we like the pool around 89 degrees. They loaded the pool with floating eggs with numbers corresponding to prize bags. The bags had gift cards, food, and other knick-knacks. Phil certainly got the short end of the stick with cotton balls, mints, and cashews HAHA.

We topped off a perfect day with our Easter baskets. This year we turned off all the lights and had to search with flashlights. The golden egg this year was our Coach camera cases. We think our pictures will be even better now :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Studying Pup

While studying for my test last night, Brody decided to join me. After returning from a little break to Heather's room, I saw he took over for me while I was gone. Doesn't he look pretty studious?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Goose Egg

(H) The other night, Phil and Kim and I were sitting around looking at ugly pictures of each other. Well actually, of Kim and Mellie. Haha. After laughing far longer than really necessary (ok, that was me), we decided to hit the driving range. It was really cool to play at night..and I think we looked like pros because it was dark.
We took two of the putting squares and went to work. Kim and I had a little bit of trouble actually connecting with the ball at I decided to take a video we could enjoy later. Little did I know this gold nugget would be a real gut buster. Make sure you watch the end!
PS. She's fine..just a little goose egg :) hahaha

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad

Last weekend we celebrated our Dad's birthday by going to the shooting range in Lake City and the driving range at West End Golf course. Achmed was toast.

Mellie & I were very happy for the excuse to wear our cowboy boots. I think they gave me a little bit of extra luck..because I shot a BULLSEYE :)
We always have such incredible times together as a family, and a large part of that is because of you Dad. Not only because you are the best vacation/daycation/funday planner ever, but because you are a delight to be around. You have the most contagious laugh on the planet, and do the best Rocky & Bullwinkle impression of anyone we know. We LOVE you!