Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Pilot

Welcome to our blog!

After reading all of these adorable couple's blogs, we decided making our own was a great idea. Clearly, patience isn't our greatest virtue. That being said, we blew most of our day making this blog. Please notice the FABULOUS banner at the top of the page that we totally made ourselves. While we do not have patience, we clearly have talent haha.

The other part of our day was spent making Valentines cookies. In Atkinson tradition - the cookies were easy bake "pop in the oven" sugar cookies. They are being stored in the vegetable drawer, since that's always the empty one in the fridge.


  1. hilarious, girls...I am going to add u to my favorite blogs list!

  2. Yay :) Haha..thanks girl! We will add you to our favorite list too.
