Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentines ♥

With Heather being in Jacksonville to visit Molly I find myself oddly productive. There is no one to come into my room dying to tell me the latest story or try to make me leave to go shopping, be it a quick trip to the mall or online, of course we are going to the gym so it "only makes sense" to save the gas and combine trips. Instead, I've read countless blogs, pestered David to do homework with me, and watched the Bachelor. Even so, I have gotten done a lot, maybe it is the lack of Grey's Anatomy to catch up on.

With this, I wanted to write about my Valentine's day. On Valentine's Eve, Heather and I decided to start a fabulous craft project. It is totally Swoozie's worthy. If you don't know what Swoozie's is you are definitely missing out and need to google it. Like now. Those will be going out in the mail soon, and then we'll post pictures :) To celebrate Valentines, my best and oldest Valentines ever (my parents) got us two perfect gifts. Pink Crocs to wear jet skiing and in Haiti, and a pink hard case cover to make our MacBooks totally adorable. Then I was off to see Dear John with David and then have fondue and cheesecake. It was the perfect way to spend the day!
My room pretty much resembles a florist shop right now. David had roses delivered to my house over the weekend, and then brought another rose on Sunday. He had left a HUGE Hershey's Cookies and Creme bar under my pillow for me to find on Friday night. I'm a pretty lucky girl!

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