Monday, July 12, 2010

Short Reflections

(H) I returned about 3 hours ago from an eight day trip to the Philippines. As I was getting in my car..and breathed in the pleasant aroma of clean leather..on my way to get whatever I wanted to eat..I was struck with the overwhelming reality of how incredibly easy we have things in America.  Maybe I am difficult to reach..maybe things take a while to set in for me..maybe my parents going on outreach trips since I was a child made these things seem normal..but I think I am finally starting to have my eyes opened.  As I write this, I am sitting on a bed three times too big for me..with a mattress I have to climb onto..after a hot shower..and fresh toothbrush..the cricket singing outside will stay there, because I have a screen in my window.  It is with my freshly clean hair blowing in the breeze from the air conditioner I realize..I don't need very much.  I had every single thing I needed this week.  Did that include three meals a day I was pumped to eat?  Hot shower? Cloud like bedding? Nope.  It included the opportunity to provide a little bit of hope.  No matter what happens with school over the next few weeks, I will be ok..because I have all I truly need, wherever I am..God's plan for my life..and my family.

Full blog to follow :)

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